MCQs No. 7






MCQs No. 1

5 unbelievable medical mistakes!

1- Joan Morris (a pseudonym) is a 67-year-old woman admitted to a teaching hospital for cerebral angiography. The day after that procedure, she mistakenly underwent an invasive cardiac electrophysiology study. After angiography, the patient was transferred to another floor rather than returning to her original bed. Discharge was planned for the following day. The next morning, however, the patient was taken for a open heart procedure. The patient had been on the operating table for an hour. Doctors had made an incision in her groin, punctured an artery, threaded in a tube and snaked it up into her heart (a procedure with risks of bleeding, infection, heart attack and stroke). That was when the phone rang and a doctor from another department asked “what are you doing with my patient?” There was nothing wrong with her heart. The cardiologist working on the woman checked her chart, and saw that he was making an awful mistake. The study was aborted, and she was returned to her room in stable condition.


1. Most common aortic branch involved in Takayasu arteritis : Left subclavian 
2. Most common cause of respiratory distress in newborn : Transient tachypnea of the newborn
3. Most common location to see Asbestosis sequale : Posterior lower lobes.
4. Most common karyotype / chromosomal abnormality in USA : Down’s syndrome
5. Most common osseous lymphoma, primary and secondary : Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
6. Most common primary malignant orbital tumor in childhood : Rhabdomyosarcoma
7. Most common type of fluid collection in scrotum : Hydrocele
8. Most common type of liposarcoma to affect children : Myxoid liposarcoma

Day of Appearance of Rash in a Febrile Patient – Mnemonic

Very Sick Person Must Take Double Tablets
Very – Varicella (day 1)
Sick – Scarlet fever (day 2)
Person – Pox – small pox (day 3)
Must – Measles (day 4)
Take – Typhus (day 5)
Double – Dengue (day 6)
Tablets – Typhoid (day 7)

FCPS Part-I in ''Medicine & Allied Specialties'' - The Study Guideline - CPSP

FCPS Part-I in Medicine & Allied Specialties  is conducted thrice in a year by CPSP.
Form is submitted online. As you submit the form , you receive an email containing the filled form, challan form to be submitted in the bank, along with sample paper, and the further guidelines from CPSP regarding the paper. Also, CPSP recently started giving candidates an option if they wish to give exam on a hard paper, or on a computer in their digital setup.

Asim & Shoaib 3rd Edition Errata for FCPS 1 - CPSP

Asim & Shoaib 2nd Edition Errata for FCPS 1 - CPSP